Mary Meeker Technology / Internet Trends - Presentation from Web 2.0 Summit 2008
Thursday, 06 November 2008
This was a very good if not very fast presentation about the state of the internet economy. She literally flew past lots of slides. So much information, so fast it was difficult to take in. To summarise the bits I caught:
- Explains why we are having a recession, economic drivers, housing market
- CPMs getting squeezed because high traffic social media sites have very low CPM values. More inventory than buyers. Look to smaller niches where CPM's are higher value.
- Talks about innovative products, with big opportunities
- Mobile is a massive opportunity, but there will big winners and big losers.
- Jokes that for the first time ever Austria leads the world in technology adoption. 64% of broadband access is via mobile.
- Opportunities in emerging markets.
- Opportunities for online to gain more ad share.
Way more stuff in the presentation, here it is:
Technology / Internet Trends - Presentation from Web 2.0 Summit (50 pages)