PPC Airways - XL Airways Reaction Time
Monday, 15 September 2008
In what other advertising medium (on or offline) can you see this type of immediate response? Less than a day after the announcement of budget tour operator XL entering administration, responsive and reactive PPC advertisers ‘cashed in’ on the tragedy, and adverts took flight.
The internet (and the search engine) is often the first port of call for those in search of a flight. With thousands of stranded holidaymakers abroad, no doubt looking for the fastest and cheapest way home, what better way to reach these potential customers than through Paid Search?
These advertisers clearly have their finger on the pulse (or have at least been watching the news headlines). Through making use of the instant impact of PPC these advertisers are sure to benefit from this unfortunate series of events. Who is to say if this kind of practise is right or wrong? I don’t know. But I will say one thing… no other advertising medium is this responsive in today’s constantly changing world.