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Print spend dented by online marketing

Thursday, 08 March 2007

As if this wasn't on the cards - around seventy per cent of print spenders are looking to put more money into online marketing, a study has revealed.

A survey of printers conducted by financial and business advice group Grant Thornton found that the amount of money expected to be spent on print advertising will go down by 20 per cent this year, while one-third of marketing is now only published online, according to PrintWeek. Some also reported a rise in print costs over the past 12 months, which could in turn boost online the marketing industry, an expert added.

"Corporates are taking the view that some of the marketing materials can be delivered just as effectively online as in printed copy," said Daniel Smith, print expert for the company. Dan have you just realised what has been happening for the last ten years?

Meanwhile, a study from PricewaterhouseCoopers and the Interactive Advertising Bureau claimed that online ad spending grew by 34 per cent last year...and a lovely chunk of that is thanks to my favourite method - search :-)


Yes! it is all true. Nowadays, it is so obvious that online marketing can make it on top. Making business online can give you profit almost double with that on print.

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