Search Engine War Blog : « Google Trends | Google Click Settlement? »

Google, Yahoo! or MSN

Saturday, 20 May 2006

For the last year there has been a lot of discussion about Google 'becoming a portal'  but if their low performance on the portal battle front is anything to go they said in their own press day, I'd stick 100% to search.

Bill Tancer over at Hitwise has published the most useful set of comparative  data I have seen about Google, Yahoo! and MSN for a long time.  By presenting marketshare data from the three businesses under a range of service offerings - Search, Email Services, News & Media, Business & Finance, Travel and Mapping, you get a much better idea of how they actually compare. While they are all search engines of sorts,  Yahoo! and MSN are primarily portals with a much more diverse portfolio of services, and unsurprisingly Yahoo! comes out as the mack daddy in everything accept pure search. 


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They toy around with it, but if google ever fully becomes a portal like msn and yahoo we might see their search market share drop. Think about it. Microsoft and yahoo both have terrible market share compared to google, and its not just because of their search results. Their simplistic search design is a big part of it.


Think about it. Microsoft and yahoo both have terrible market share compared to google, and its not just because of their search results.

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