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More Google Qualified Companies in the UK than the USA

Tuesday, 14 March 2006

We have just done a big update to the WhoisaGAP website which we use to monitor the qualification levels of Pay Per Click teams across the industry, this included adding in proper country classifications - its not entirely altruistic, we want to know who is who.

Lets get to the stats*

Globally the individual / company split looks like:

Qualified Companies: 46
Qualified Individuals: 215

By country the number of professionals is:

United States 100
United Kingdom 49
Netherlands 15
Germany 12
China 9
Canada 9
France 8
unknown 8
Israel 6
Italy 6
Australia 6
Spain 4
India 3
Sweden 3
Denmark 3
Austria 3
Switzerland 3
Belgium 2
Greece 2
Brazil 2
Turkey 1
New Zealand 1
Slovenia 1
Norway 1
Finland 1
South Africa 1
Guernsey 1
Pakistan 1

That landscape changes quite dramatically when you look at who are Qualified Companies and the UK has nearly double the number of the USA.  So at the end of last month nearly half the professionals in the UK achieved company status by hitting their employee and spend levels of greater than $100,000. Let's keep up the good work.

United Kingdom 21
United States 13
Germany 4
France 2
Netherlands 2
Norway 1
Israel 1
Switzerland 1
Sweden 1

*Obviously setting a country is a bit awkward where a company or individual trades in multiple countries, so we picked their main point of presence. Also it's a bit odd quite a few companies that I would have thought should be on the list are not because they aren't using the verification URL's so although they display the Qualified logo (Individual or Company) you can't authenticate it, so either they aren't really qualified or their webmaster is lazy.



Classic. I'll submit our badge from our Edinburgh HQ. If the American bigmouths complain... I'll point them this way. :)

ppc advertising services

It has something to do with levels of Pay Per Click teams across the industry, which included adding in proper country classifications. thanks for the post.


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