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John Battelles - The Search

Sunday, 25 September 2005

Thesearch_bookcover Finally this week it arrived on the shelves at UK bookstores, 'The Search' by John Battelle.  How Google and Its Rivals Rewrote the Rules of Business and Transformed Our Culture.

I've been waiting tentatively for months for it to arrive and excitedly opened my preview copy a few days in advance of the public release in the UK.  It was definitely worth waiting for, and in the US it has already made its way into the best seller lists.

You'll probably notice the link on the right of our blog to Johns own website, he is one of, if not the most respected writer on the topics of technology and business. John was a co-founding editor of Wired magazine, he was named a "Global Leader for Tomorrow" by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland and a finalist in the Entrepreneur of the year by Ernst & Young, so as I have been an avid 'Wired Magazine' reader for almost 10 years' and a follower of his own blog I was really excited to see how he handled something that is obviously such an important topic.

What makes this book so special?

A really accessible writing style, a good background for beginners; but most importantly, if you want to really understand why search is so important, he'll give you the answer.

If you haven't done so already make it number one on your reading list, I've put a link to Amazon UK at the top of this post, there's no affiliate code so I'm not incentivised to promote it, it really is a good piece of work and highly recommended reading.


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