Where does all this 'white hat' 'black hat' come from?
Monday, 08 August 2005
I was having a chat with Andy Atkins-Kruger the current president of the Search Marketing Association UK and founder of Webcertain, and he put forward a really interesting 'thought for the weekend'.
Edward de Bono invented the thinking hats in different colours and they are:-
- White hat (Blank sheet): Information & reports (''objective'')
- Red hat (Fire): Opinion & emotion (''subjective'')
- Yellow hat (Sun): Praise, positive aspects, (''objective'')
- Black hat (Judge's robe): Criticism, negative aspects, modus tollens (''objective'')
- Green hat (Plant): Intuition, new approaches & everything goes (''speculative'')
- Blue hat (Sky): "Big Picture," "Meta hat," overall process (''overview'')
has the SEO world lost the fire, sun, and sky bits?
I'm inclined to agree. Our current black and white definitions don't properly account for everything happening in the colourful world of search.